简介:清洁能源真的清洁吗?这部由Michael Moore监制的纪录片带领观众走进清洁能源的一线,细究清洁能源的设备制造方式和材料、使用年限、发电材料来源、以及背后的经济驱动力。本片也揭示了美国一些头号环保人士和环保组织在生物质能源等可再生能源令人疑惑和担忧的立场,以及环保运动和能源业的资助关系。当环保主义和资本主义手牵手,能源真的会更清洁吗?Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late.Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars?No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine"). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late.Featuring: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Richard Branson, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Michael Bloomberg, Van Jones, Vinod Khosla, Koch Brothers, Vandana Shiva, General Motors, 350.org, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, Elon Musk, Tesla.Music by: Radiohead, King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Blank & Jones, If These Trees Could Talk, Valentina Lisitsa, Culprit 1, Patrick O’hearn, The Torquays, Nigel Stanford, and many more.Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...Website: https://planetofthehumans.com/FB: https://www.facebook.com/PlanetoftheH...哆来咪影院为您提供《人类星球 生肉版》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦
1、问:《人类星球 生肉版》什么时候上映时间?
2、问:《人类星球 生肉版》纪录片在哪个电视台播出?
答:《人类星球 生肉版》目前只有网上如腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、哆来咪影院等播出,没有在电视台播。
3、问:纪录片《人类星球 生肉版》演员表
答:人类星球 生肉版是由执导,Jeff领衔主演的剧。。该剧于2021-09-11在 腾讯、爱奇艺、影视龙、优酷、等平台同步播出。
4、问:哪个平台可以免费看《人类星球 生肉版》全集
5、问:手机版免费在线点播《人类星球 生肉版》有哪些网站?
答:hao123影视、 百度视频、电视剧频道、 手机版哆来咪影院、PPTV、星辰影院
6、问:《人类星球 生肉版》评价怎么样?
Mtime时光网网友评价:我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子
豆瓣电影网友:《人类星球 生肉版》不同于其他作品,没有紧迫感、虚浮的情节及杂乱的画面,却在不断教导我们,不像老师家长苦口婆心语重心长的教诲(为遵重在这里我省略掉啰嗦这词)。我们看电影电视剧亦或综艺动漫逗号,往往是融入进去,在不知不觉中去了解这些似乎不容易被我们所发现、所理解的道理。再说近一点,看视频时设身处地会发现这是现实中更近教导的教导!